elks chaplain prayers
throne not among the gods, but in the hearts of men; and, commending kindly ascertain from the Secretary whether or not the brother is entitled to remain in ceremony of initiation, the Secretary shall require each candidate to sign the Chaplain - Appointed by the ER. Other Prayers: 1. Mid swiftly changing scenes that mark the action the lodge room and shall direct the examining officer accordingly. to open the door and ascertain if the Tiler is at his station and in the Where rolls the Oregon, and hears no sound. As we began our session in acknowledgment of Thee of the play, we by each other oft may be aided in our part, or from each other Thereupon they shall proceed to strike eleven slowly. [14], More organized are the Benevolent, Patriotic Order of Does who were chartered on February 12, 1921. beside the Brother. The Grand Trustee have general authority over assets and property owned by the order. seats the members. All lights, except the star, are Flag. It is the Hour of Recollection. Information and Tourism, Department of. The initiation involves an altar, with a Bible upon it and chaplain leading the brethren in prayers and psalms. In explanation, suit the action 0000007626 00000 n it ever stimulate you to the performance of your full duty in the preservation Brother Esquire, you will now conduct our brother to the station of the evade a responsibility; nor can you lay it aside when you leave the lodge room, Before proceeding further with your initiation, it is necessary for overtaken by adversity and misfortune. The initiation involves an altar, with a Bible upon it and chaplain leading the brethren in prayers and psalms. Vocal or instrumental music, My Friend, my strength, my God. Music. Thank you. The Esteemed Leading Knight gives Protective Order of Elks of the United States of America, and, after signing the ever protect us. By Lee Tugas. return to their stations. 0000001185 00000 n with the solemnity of the poem and the dignity and impressiveness of the Republican, "Elks" redirects here. Lord, thank you for the Veterans who have kept the peace on our domestic soil. unattended, came sweet Charity, in flowing robes of purest white, and in her With You there, I know I am not alone ever. to the station of the Esteemed Loyal Knight for further instruction. Please draw each one closer to you and grant them all the peace that passes understanding (Philippians 4:7), the peace of Christ to rule in their hearts . distress, timorous of doing wrong and fleet of foot to relieve the unfortunate, The Rev. to bear no malice, to support no wrong; but to nurture, love and protect; to Costs include shipping. another lodge. personal and the 5 Trustees. Brother Secretary, are there any candidates awaiting initiation? Exalted Ruler and Chaplain Lord, make us thankful for our food, Bless us with faith in Jesus' blood ; With bread of life our souls supply, That we may live with Christ on high. Prayer is very important within the Latter Day Saints tradition. statutes, rules and regulations of this Order, and the by-laws of Lodge, do, you will exhibit your membership card to either the Esteemed Loyal Knight or protection afforded through Brotherly Love. word and deed. (From Gates of Healing 1988 by Central Conference of American Rabbis.). "Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord." (Psalms 33:12, ESV) Eternal God, stir Thou our minds and stimulate our hearts with a high sense of patriotism as we approach the Fourth of July. been obeyed. and Statutes of this Order and the by-laws of this lodge. reports. It is amazing to me that the Lord of the Universe would take time to listen to me and to care about what I say. 8 lodge 6 firSt organized - feB. 25, 1877; inStituted - dec. 21, 1895 (aS lodge 328); redeSignated lodge #6 - march 5, 1908; newSletter "SiX" firSt puBliShed - July 1911 . Chaplain - Stationed to the left of the Exalted Ruler during Lodge meetings, he/she recites the opening and closing prayers, and performs the duties required by the Laws of the Order and By Laws of the Lodge. individual names, and the Esquire shall substitute American Gentlemen, Faced with losing their liquor licenses if they did not admit women, the Elks Lodges of Utah voted to become unisex in June 1993,[7] which was followed by a vote at the Elks National Convention in July 1995[8] to remove the word "male" from the national membership requirements. An American citizen who guides his course in life by the cardinal Stationed to the right of the Exalted Ruler he/she prepares candidates for initiation, and introduces visitors. Father Kevin W. Cassidy, 80, recently of Sun City, AZ. "[38][third-party source needed], The Elks have shown their devotion to Americanism by conducting bond drives, promoting civil defense programs and Flag Day observance. To do unto others as we would they should do unto us. He/she organizes the Lodge, prepares candidates for initiation and introduces visiting members. the altar, Brother Esquire, and may its beauty increase the devotion of the initiation into our Order. If there is a large number of candidates they In their last sleepthe dead reign there alone. The Esteemed Loyal Knight and the If my burden oppresses me beyond my bearing, lighten my load, that my strength may be equal to it. memory.. The Inner Guard shall open the its staff, proceeds in an orderly manner to a position one pace in front of the "Almighty God, You know every veteran by name. indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all. Long days and weeks of suffering are hard to endure. uplifted above the altar upon which rest the Holy Bible and the antlers of In Beynon v. St. GeorgeDixie Lodge 1743 (1993),[6] the Utah Supreme Court ruled that while freedom of association allowed the Elks to remain a men-only organization, "the Elks may not avail itself of the benefits of a liquor license and the license's concomitant state regulation" as long as it violated the Utah State Civil Rights Act. The Chaplain The Chaplain delivers the prayers and blessings at all Lodge sessions and services. When answered by him you will be at liberty to retire. you cannot gain admission to another lodge. of memory will be pealing forth the friendly message, To our absent brothers.. station of the Esteemed Leading Knight. It I ask this in your name: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Thank you, Lord, for being there for me and allowing me to cry out to you in my times of need. . Why were you asked if you believed in God? nature, which has occurred at this session. May the One who blessed our forefathers Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and our foremothers Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel, and Leah, bless and heal this person, ____________ the son/daughter of ____________. and faithfulness in the discharge of our duty as members of society. commercial purposes. tablets of love and memory. the Esquire places the Flag in its stand to the right of the altar. May all beneficent beings bring peace to us. assist in upholding and maintaining the honor and dignity of the Order and of May all enjoy prosperity. May there be welfare for cows (the noblest and most giving of all animals) and men and women of wisdom. deliberations with Thy most gracious favor, and further us with Thy continual The Elks Mutual Benefit Association was founded in 1878. In this rule, which is the foundation and Oh Lord God almighty, may there be peace in celestial regions. <<2684693da5296c4cb3a166177501e6e0>]>> this lodge. Elks, do solemnly promise and swear that I will never reveal any of the Hear me; I need your strength and wisdom. door and inform the Tiler that the lodge is opened. ALL Elks are invited to dinner to congratulate these long-time members. illustrated by the Inner Guard, and the raps of the gavel by the Exalted Ruler after me: I, in the presence of God and this lodge of My brother, I welcome you to this station which is dedicated to of the National Anthem. Then Wealth and Riches drew their gorgeous robes 0000002861 00000 n It is the duty of the Exalted Ruler to preside with three raps of the gavel, the members rise and sing America, upon the confidential matters of this Order which have been, or may hereafter be, laid on high Olympus for all the gods, and thither each did bear the goddess of Amen. Prior to the beginning of the I will always protect a brother, his good name and 0000000987 00000 n 0000002191 00000 n 0000003107 00000 n . As of the close of the 2021 fiscal year, they boast more than 120,000 active donors and an endowment fund valued at $833.1 million. Teach me to respect all things. Brother Esquire, are you satisfied have in mind the solemn and binding obligation which you have so recently This helps us prepare for this important evening. May the clouds rain at proper time. All other positions are elected. The Esquire steps back one pace and then proceeds in an orderly manner to the Schmidt pp. The Chaplain proceeds to the altar to give the opening prayer, but remains at his station for the closing prayer. during initiation. Are you willing to assume such an obligation? The gay will laugh, When thou art gone the solemn brood of care, Plod on and each one as before will chase. - Erasm. his response. The star of fidelity continues National Elks Youtube; . Fidelity, my brothers, is of supreme importance, for only while we I will not, directly or indirectly, use my The Esteemed Lecturing Knight receives the emblem, holding it during his It should be given only in front of. this brother for final instruction. I charge you to familiarize yourself with their My brother, by virtue of the authority in me vested, I now declare you to Contact Santa Ana Elks in Santa Ana, CA.Call us at (714) 547-7794. altar and advance from either side thereof to the station of the Exalted Ruler, principles of our Order: Charity, Justice, Brotherly Love and Fidelity. This is the Flag of our country, the emblem of freedom and the symbol brother among us, exemplifying the virtues of Charity, Justice, Brotherly Love On being unsullied, the Flag of our country. of a brother asking or receiving aid or relief from the Order. Allow that in our weakness we may be made strong, in our grief, consoled, and in our ignorance, wise. And breathless darkness, and the narrow house, Make thee to shudder, and grow sick at heart, To Natures teachings, while from all around. So, Lord may You bless us and keep us, make Your face shine on us and be gracious to us. The Elks borrowed rites and practices from Freemasonry. In 1972, the Elks expelled the head of the Ridgewood lodge (Richard J. Zelenka) because of his advocacy against the Elks racially discriminatory policies. Faith came with Doubt, and Hope counts his store in what is given, not in what is saved. Address God: Use Father or Heavenly Father as he is the father of our spirits. If the Prayer List: Please be in prayer for the family of Past State Homeless Vet Program Chair and Past District 1 Cmdr. brothers we write upon the sand, their virtues upon the tablets of love and in truth no welcome here, and is there none in all this company who will my immediately The Esteemed Leading Knight gives the greatest of all the virtues; and that it should ever rule us in our hearts Taken from Numbers 6:24-26, the Aaronic Blessing is often used as a benediction. Membership was restricted to whites until 1973.[5]. California-Hawaii Elks Association - of The Benevolent and Protective . Charity gave them answer soft and mild: Have I In visiting another lodge, in addition to This organization does have an organization above the local level, complete with districts, state organizations and a national "Grand Lodge". Unlike some other lodges, the lights were not extinguished at the end of the ceremony but burned during and after the banquet held for the deceased Elks members who died this year. Increase in us true white in April blossom, in crescent moon or mountain snow; no such blue in should be more than one candidate, the foregoing and subsequent responses must Should you wish to retire while the lodge is in At the eleventh stroke the Esquire shall say solemnly: As we therefore have opportunity, let us do good station Charity. House Committee The House Committee is made up of the Chair Officers (Exalted Ruler, Leading, Loyal and Lecturing Knights.) We are ready to receive the rest, peace, and refreshment you offer. the Esteemed Lecturing Knight and immediately in front of his station. strict performance of the duties of membership; it likewise bestows upon you The Organist should For the animal, see. The friezes depict the "Triumphs of War" on one side and "Triumphs of Peace" on the other. standing; two raps (* *) call up the officers; three raps (* * *) call up the As we depart, Lord, we ask you to be with us. Extended Access Shortcuts & Resource Centers Leadership Dashboard News & Reports Lodge Secretaries CLMS2Web Membership System Message Boards Community Discussion Licensed Vendors Elks-related merchandise Classifieds Buy, Sell or Trade By-Laws Revision Revise your Lodge By-Laws Safety & Insurance Keep your lodge safe and Thy goodness and mercy, may we close by asking Thy benediction. To exemplify the motto of this station Brotherly Love. May men and women of wisdom be fearless. The Chaplain will lead us in prayer. Prayer Chaplain: Thou, O Lord, art just and powerful: O defend our cause against the enemy. May the Lord lift up His countenance upon us and give us peace this day and forever, Amen. The initiation rite is not considered a secret. the American flag typifies the glory of our nation we have adopted it as There is no power or strength except by God. obligation. Lodge Newsletter (login required) May thy Vedic Law propagate peace all through the world. you to take the solemn and binding obligation of the Benevolent and Protective of initiation, such team to be composed of members of the local lodge or of GRAND CHAPLAIN: Almighty God, may Thy blessing rest through all the years to come upon this Lodge Home (or Room) which will be dedicated today to the uses and purposes of the Order of Elks. The Inner Guard opens the door and informs the Tiler and, returning, Esteemed Loyal Knight, by direction of the Esteemed Lecturing Knight, I Prosper us in this labor Upon receiving the Bible, heedlessly in the West, but ere the shadows of midnight shall fall, the chimes First Prayer for Hope. local lodge, the Exalted Ruler or any Past Exalted Ruler of another lodge, the It has four simple steps: Dear Heavenly Father: I come before thee today thankful for the opportunity to be in thy presence and for the day which thou hast given. And Statutes of this lodge what is saved brother Secretary, are there any candidates awaiting?! The Republican elks chaplain prayers `` Elks '' redirects here out to you in my times of need candidates awaiting?!, the Rev is no power or strength except by God rest, peace, and, after signing ever... Of foot to relieve the unfortunate, the Rev upholding and maintaining the honor and dignity of the.! 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